This real touch lily and eucalyptus bouquet has been created into a grand arrangement showcasing our best selling and luxurious artificial lilies and foliage. The exceptional 'real touch' lilies boast an impressively authentic texture which will have everyone guessing if the flowers are actually real!
This bouquet is perfect for those seeking a low-maintenance alternative to fresh flowers, and will create a long-lasting impression of refinement and style.
Please note that due to the delicate nature of the latex fabric used to make these lilies, they will discolour over time due to humidity. Please read our Cleaning and Care page for more information.
This bouquet is perfect for a large vase as shown in the photo (not included). If you need assistance with finding the perfect vase then please do get in touch.
The bouquet includes 7 lilies (white and pink) and 5 eucalyptus stems